Angolo Verypuzzle solo Megaminx VeryPuzzle - 1
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Angolo Verypuzzle solo Megaminx

Il VeryPuzzle Corner Only Megaminx è un cubo che rappresenta solo gli angoli del megaminx, ha 20 pezzi da ordinare, in ogni angolo troviamo 3 colori che uniti ai colori dei pezzi adiacenti fanno sì che il cubo abbia un totale di 12 colori. È abbastanza semplice da risolvere.

Il VeryPuzzle Corner Only Megaminx (D5A1) è il risultato dell'estensione degli angoli della Megaminx Ball V1.0. Si tratta infatti di una palla Megaminx con grandi tappi inseriti negli angoli che formano un altro cubo. L'intento di Verypuzzle con questo cubo è quello di vedere il risultato dell'estensione di pezzi di alcuni dei suoi puzzle esistenti.

ATTENZIONE: Questo cubo è venduto come KIT fai da te, quindi viene fornito completamente smontato, con tanto di manuale di montaggio.

Nota: aprire la scatola facendo attenzione a non romperla, una volta che le buste sono state aperte e il prodotto è stato maneggiato, non si accettano resi.

40,23 € Tasse incluse

32,98 € Tasse escluse

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rating Visualizza le 2 opinioni
Valutazione media: 7.5/10 Nº valutazioni: 2
Scheda tecnica
Base colore
Angolo Solo Megaminx
125 mm
260 g
Con gli Stickers
rating 10
Nice geometry, but subpar hardware
rating 5
I bought this because I wanted to have an icosahedral puzzle in my collection. First of all, about the puzzle: This is isomorphic to the Kilominx, which, as the name indicates, is a "corner-only megaminx". This means that in terms of puzzle fun, it's pretty much solvable with all the standard methods. One warning: The puzzle comes apart very easily, making it pretty much impossible to enjoy. The puzzle is made from a spherical core, onto which triangular plates are attached. These plates are attached to the core by small push-in connectors, and come apart quite easily. During the time of a single solve, it's likely that at least one plate will come off. Putting it back means you're ruining the cube's orientation parity, and as a result you'll have to orient one plate by hand at the end of the solve. You could avoid this by being extremely careful, but that ruins the fun for me: I want to think about the solve, not about the flimsy mechanism. Another detail to keep in mind is the fact that this puzzle comes unstickered out of the box. This means you'll have to put on all 120 stickers yourself by hand. Not only will that take some time, but it will also mean that you're very likely to have at least one badly-stickered facet on the cube. (Even if you're able to put on stickers perfectly 99% of the time, given that there are 120 stickers.) Finally, the color scheme is weird. My cube came only with one shade of blue (a very dark blue), but no light blue. On the other hand, my cube has an over-abundance of browns and reds. This means you can't just sticker it with the standard Megaminx color scheme. Now, it may just be that since the cube comes unstickered the people who packed my cube just put in one more shade of brown instead of a light blue, but then again, that's what you get for buying a non-stickered cube. If have to mention though that my cube came with 13 distinct colors (many shades of brown though), and each color has two extra stickers. All-in-all, quite nice because it's an icosahedron – a shape that I'd like to see more often – but the hardware is not really great, so be careful. Good acquisition for a pure collector, but not suited to the "I want to play with all my puzzles" crowd.
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